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Percy Bysshe Shelley

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[1792 - 1822]
a radical British poet for his times who was not widely read until a generation after his death. He was a contemporary to Lord Byron and husband to Mary Shelley. He was expelled from Oxford University for writing a pamphlet called The Necessity of Atheism. In 1816 the English courts awarded custody of his children to foster parents due to his atheism and for abandoning his first wife without cause.

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Shelley: O, Love-bourne ecstasy that is Mrs. Miggins, wilt thou bring me but one cup of the browned juicings of that naughty bean we call `coffee', ere I die...
Mrs. Miggins: (swoons) Ooohhhh, you do have a way of words with you, Mr. Shelley!

BBC. Blackadder, Season 3: Ink and Incapability
"Shelley's heart is buried here," he continued. "His body was burnt on the beach at the mouth of the river Arno, near where he drowned. [...]"

Gyles Brandreth. Oscar Wilde and the Vatican Murders, p.93 (2012)
When Mary Godwin chose to mate herself with Shelley, she took her good name in her hands; but still there was Harriet. As soon as Harriet was dead, Mary showed she had no deep principle of action involved, by marrying Shelley.

Grant Allen. The Woman Who Did
Hark! whence that rushing sound?
'Tis like a wondrous strain that sweeps
Around a lonely ruin             50
When west winds sigh and evening waves respond
In whispers from the shore:
'Tis wilder than the unmeasured notes
Which from the unseen lyres of dells and groves

Percy Shelley. The Daemon of the World (excerpt taken from part 1)
"Doesn't look like much, does it? You can kill fifty million people with that. 'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings! Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!' " Ryan headed for the washroom, knowing he had to be drunk to quote Shelley.

Tom Clancy. The Hunt for Red October, p.387 (1984)
her father would stand at the front window staring out on all of this and say, Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair. Only many years later did she realise that he hadn’t made the phrase up himself, though whether he was pretending to be Shelley or Ozymandias she still doesn’t know.

Mark Haddon. The Pier Falls and Other Stories (2016)
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