Blackadder vocabulary

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York can refer to
- the city of York in the county of North Yorkshire (England's largest county)
- the diocese of York
- the duchy of York
- the University of York
a historic walled city in North Yorkshire, England. At the confluence of the Rivers Ouse and Foss, it is the historic county town of the historic county of Yorkshire. York Minster and a variety of cultural and sporting activities make it a popular tourist destination.
One of the notable local products is York ham, a mild-flavoured ham with delicate pink colouring. It is traditionally served with Madeira Sauce

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At York, too, all prisoners were released 'except Papists and wilful murderers'.

Antonia Fraser. Faith and Treason: The Story of the Gunpowder Plot, p.xxxii (1996)
"I shall go to the school at York," said Mary. "I am less unfit to teach in a school than in a family. I like to teach classes best. And, you see, I must teach: there is nothing else to be done."

George Eliot. Middlemarch
the first time that she heard anyone mention York ham she had thought, no doubt,— feeling it to be hardly conceivable that the dictionary could be so prodigal as to include at once a ‘York’ and a ‘New York’— that she had misheard what was said, and that the ham was really called by the name already familiar to her. And so, ever since, the word York was preceded in her ears, or before her eyes when she read it in an advertisement, by the affix ‘New’ which she pronounced ‘Nev’.’ And it was with the most perfect faith that she would say to her kitchen-maid: “Go and fetch me a ham from Olida’s. Madame told me especially to get a Nev’-York.”

Marcel Proust. In Search of Lost Time [volume 2]
But the real truth is that Richard was a kind and thoughtful man who cherished his young wards. In particular: Richard, Duke of York, who grew into a big, strong boy.

BBC. Blackadder, season 1: The Foretelling
Harry: Oh dear. But we do have a fascinating week ahead. In fact, the Archbishop of York has asked me if you'd care to join his formation Italian dance class, and I really ought to give him an answer.
King: Do you want me to be honest or tactful?
Harry: Er, tactful, I think.
King: Tell him to get stuffed!

BBC. Blackadder, season 1: Born to be King
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