a stool or chair in which common scolds were formerly tied, and plunged into water, as a punishment. See Cucking stool. The practice of ducking began in the latter part of the 15th century, and prevailed until the early part of the 18th, and occasionally as late as the 19th century.
image 3: William Andrews. Bygone Punishments (1899)
► uses
Tally: Oh, this is my husband, Thomas. Thomas, this is my fiance, the Duke of Edinburgh. Prince Edmund, this is Thomas. Thomas, this is Father O'...
Lloyd: ...Smith! I called about the ducking stool you found.
BBC. Blackadder, season 1: The Queen of Spain's Beard
Tom Quarlous: Do you think there may be a fine new cucking-stool in the Fair, to be purchased; one large enough, I mean? I know there is a pond of capacity for her.