Blackadder vocabulary

5 birds and/or bird terms

5 [avian] words
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An Old World bird that inhabits vegetated wetlands. Similar to a duck, however without webbed feet.

image relating to moorhen
photo: By Mehmet Karatay - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

sound file: by Joost van Bruggen, XC432931. Accessible at

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Blackadder: (to Don) Look, leave me alone, will you, I'm trying to talk to someone. (to Percy) ...while you're wittering away like a pox-ridden moorhen

BBC. Blackadder, Season 1: The Queen of Spain's Beard
who have kitchens, who have liveries, who make good cheer, who eat moor-hens on Friday, who strut about, a lackey before, a lackey behind, in a gala coach, and who have palaces, and who roll in their carriages in the name of Jesus Christ who went barefoot!

Victor Hugo. Les Miserables.
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