Blackadder vocabulary

2 heraldric terms

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1. an animal's penis
2. a whip made from an ox or bull penis
3. a penis of an animal when highlighted on a coat of arms

most people are familiar with this already—as dog chews. Poor bull.

image relating to pizzle
photo: by Gergely Vass, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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King: HOLD! YOU DARE SIT THERE, BOY? That was King Richard's seat! Would you insult his ghost!?
Blackadder: uh, no, no - sorry.
  [ghost appears in the chair, but only Blackadder can see and hear it.]
Ghost: Yes, find your own chair, you smelly little dog's pizzle!

BBC. Blackadder, season 1: The Foretelling
Pea Eye came stumbling through about that time, trying to get his pizzle out of his pants before his bladder started to flood.

Larry McMurtry. Lonesome Dove (1985)
Among the crew there were two slaves who rowed very badly, and to whose bare shoulders the Levantine captain would now and then apply blows from a bull's pizzle.

Voltaire. Candide
with the help of that good pizzle my father left me.

James Joyce. Ulysses.
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