Keeping Up Appearances vocabulary

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a rude, ill-mannered person

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Hyacinth: [drunk] Oh! Why? Why is he tying me up? Why is this churl tying me up? I'm being held a prisoner your lordship! A white woman wearing a hat, what is the world coming to? Unhand me, varlet!

BBC. Keeping Up Appearances, season 5: The Country Estate Sale (1995)
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Blameth noght me, if þt ẏe cheſe amẏs
The millere is a cherl, ẏe knowe wel this
So was the Reve eek, and other mo
And harlotrẏe theẏ tolden bothe two
Avẏseth ẏow, and put me out of blame
And eek men shal noght, maken erneſt of game

Geoffrey Chaucer. The Canterbury Tales. p. 95
Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru – The National Library of Wales
churl is used 23 times in canterbury tales
the house is haunted With spirits, to keep churl back.

Ben Jonson. The Alchemist (1610)
but it is a horrible sin not to do what is expected of you, not to return a civility, to refrain, like a regular churl, from saying good-bye to the housekeeper before leaving a hotel.

Marcel Proust. In Search of Lost Time [volume 5]
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