Catch-22 vocabulary

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mustard plaster

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a poultice of mustard seed applied under bandages to warm tissues to relieve aches and pains. This is effective and is still used as a home remedy.

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He worked himself relentlessly into exhaustion before the long night was over and came down with a sniffle the next day that sent him hurrying querulously into the medical tent to have his temperature taken by Gus and Wes and to obtain mustard plaster and vaporizer.

Joseph Heller. Catch-22, p.260 (1961)
She was wrapped in blankets, had hot bottles to her feet and sides, and a mustard plaster over her heart.

Humours of Irish Life: Charlotte O'Conor Eccles. King William
he would tell her what bothered him most and would accept her sucking glasses and mustard plasters in a docile way.

Gabriel García Márquez. One Hundred Years of Solitude, p.116 (1970)
He was insupportable when he imagined he had caught a chill. Liza had continually to interrupt her inquisitive observations and run from the verandah to his room. At dinner-time she had to put on mustard plasters.

Anton Chekhov. Love and Other Stories
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