The Pillars of the Earth vocabulary

6 food related vocabulary

6 [food] words
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n. anything cooked in a pot: a thick soup of meat and vegetables: oatmeal porridge.

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary (1908)

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Mary Magdalene probably made an occasional casserole, whatever the ancient equivalent may have been. A mess of pottage, I suppose.

Marilynne Robinson. Gilead, p.30 (2004)
She cut the yams into small pieces and began to prepare a pottage, using some of the chicken.

Chinua Achebe. Things Fall Apart, p.43 (1958)
Wortus with an henne / Cony / beef, or els añ haare,
Frumenty with venesoun / pesyñ with bakoñ, longe wortes not spare;
Gely, mortrows / creyme of almondes, þe mylke þer-of is good fare.
Iusselle, tartlett, cabages, & nombles of vennure,
alle þese potages ar good and sure
of oþer sewes & potages þat ar not made by nature,
alle Suche siropis sett a side youre heere to endure.

John Russell. The Boke of Nurture (1460)
began telling her stories, she was all attention. Esau's pottage, the punishment of Sodom, and the troubles of the boy Joseph made her turn pale and open her blue eyes wide.

Anton Chekhov. The Schoolmistress and other stories
“See that you always wait before alighting a fire until the preceding one is extenuated” (extinct). “The important thing is to take care not to avoid setting fire to the chimney, especially as, to cheer things up a bit, I have put an old china pottage on the mantelpiece which might become insured.”

Marcel Proust. In Search of Lost Time [volume 4]
"Think how easy it would be for me, dear friend," she cried, with a catch in her voice, "to do as other women do; to accept the HONORABLE MARRIAGE you offer me, as other women would call it; to be false to my sex, a traitor to my convictions; to sell my kind for a mess of pottage, a name and a home, or even for thirty pieces of silver, to be some rich man's wife, as other women have sold it.

Grant Allen. The Woman Who Did
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