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King Lear

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a tragedy written by William Shakespeare. It depicts the gradual descent into madness of the title character, after he disposes of his kingdom giving bequests to two of his three daughters based on their flattery of him, bringing tragic consequences for all.

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Fool: For you know, nuncle,
    The hedge-sparrow fed the cuckoo so long
    That it had it head bit off by it young.
  So out went the candle, and we were left darkling.

Shakespeare. King Lear.
King Lear will remind you of The Waltons a great deal, in that there is a family. But all comparisons end there!

Laura Bates. Shakespeare Saved My Life (2013)
But the more he listened to the fantasia of King Lear the further he felt from forming any definite opinion of it.*

Leo Tolstoy. Anna Karenina (Translated by Constance Garnett)
I remember the astonishment I felt when I first read Shakespeare. I expected to receive a powerful esthetic pleasure, but having read, one after the other, works regarded as his best: "King Lear," "Romeo and Juliet," "Hamlet" and "Macbeth," not only did I feel no delight, but I felt an irresistible repulsion and tedium,

Leo Tolstoy. Tolstoy on Shakespeare (Tchertkoff translation)
No matter how many times we reopen “King Lear,” never shall we find the good king banging his tankard in high revelry, all woes forgotten,

Vladimir Nabokov. Lolita
to have been subjected to some sort of chemical precipitation which had the effect of making his hair shine with such a brilliant and metallic lustre that the locks of his hair and beard spouted like so many geysers of pure silver and clad the aged and fallen prince with the Shakespearean majesty of a King Lear.

Marcel Proust. In Search of Lost Time [volume 7]
I mean, we have the plays. I mean when we read the poetry of King Lear what is it to us how the poet lived?

James Joyce. Ulysses
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