Anna Karenina vocabulary

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Eh, but he's a smart little dug, we quite look for him of a morning coomin' for his constitutionil, fur arl the worl' like a Chreestian!'

F. Anstey. The Talking Horse And Other Tales (1892)
Here is his moral skeleton: in the morning, slippers, a bathe, and coffee; then till dinner-time, slippers, a constitutional, and conversation; at two o'clock slippers, dinner, and wine; at five o'clock a bathe, tea and wine, then vint and lying; at ten o'clock supper and wine; and after midnight sleep and la femme.

Anton Chekhov. The Duel and Other Stories
"I went there, but I had taken flight," the doctor answered with gloomy jocoseness.
"Then you've taken a good constitutional?"

Leo Tolstoy. Anna Karenina (Translated by Constance Garnett)
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