Anna Karenina vocabulary

7 plants, trees, botany terms

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elm tree

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[...] Elms are components of many kinds of natural forests. Moreover, during the 19th and early 20th centuries many species and cultivars were also planted as ornamental street, garden, and park trees in Europe, North America, and parts of the Southern Hemisphere, notably Australasia. Some individual elms reached great size and age. However, in recent decades, most mature elms of European or North American origin have died from Dutch elm disease, caused by a microfungus dispersed by bark beetles. In response, disease-resistant cultivars have been developed, capable of restoring the elm to forestry and landscaping. [...]
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Their unique leaves make elms relatively easy to identify. Elm leaves are lopsided at the base, toothed, very rough, and grow "alternately" along the twigs (versus opposite as with ash tree leaves).

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he looked cheerfully about him at the muddy streams running under the wheels, at the drops hanging on every bare twig, at the whiteness of the patch of unmelted hailstones on the planks of the bridge, at the thick layer of still juicy, fleshy leaves that lay heaped up about the stripped elm-tree.

Leo Tolstoy. Anna Karenina (1878)
In the ragged hedge on the opposite side of the field the boughs of the elm trees were swaying very faintly in the breeze, their leaves just stirring in dense masses like women’s hair.

George Orwell. 1984 (1949)
Her eyes, wide and full of darkness, stared up to where the overhanging branches of an elm laced the sky with shadows.

Stephen King. The Stand (1990)
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