Anna Karenina vocabulary

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genre painting

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depicts aspects of everyday life by portraying ordinary people engaged in common activities. One common definition of a genre scene is that it shows figures to whom no identity can be attached either individually or collectively—thus distinguishing petit genre from history paintings (also called grand genre) and portraits. A work would often be considered as a genre work even if it could be shown that the artist had used a known person—a member of his family, say—as a model. In this case it would depend on whether the work was likely to have been intended by the artist to be perceived as a portrait—sometimes a subjective question.

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Kara Walker: And because I had gone to Rhode Island, it was the first time, really, that I had seen genre painting ...
Simon Schama: [interrupting] ... you're talking about 19th century art...

PBS. Civilizations: What Is Art Good For? (July 2018)
He had a ready appreciation of art, and probably, with a taste for imitating art, he supposed himself to have the real thing essential for an artist, and after hesitating for some time which style of painting to select—religious, historical, realistic, or genre painting—he set to work to paint.

Leo Tolstoy. Anna Karenina
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