Anna Karenina vocabulary

4 culinary terms

4 [culinary] words
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service à la russe

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involved having the footman appear discreetly at your elbow with the dish of the moment, from which you could then serve yourself, whereupon the footman retired, leaving the table free from serving dishes.

Daniel Pool. What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew. p.76 (1993)

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"Porridge à la Russe, your honor would like?" said the Tatar, bending down to Levin, like a nurse speaking to a child.

Leo Tolstoy. Anna Karenina
"What is the third course?" she asked the footman in a weary, injured voice.
"Esturgeon à la russe," answered the footman.

Anton Chekhov. The Lady with the Dog and other stories
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