Hamlet vocabulary

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1. Rushing with force and violence; moving with impetus; furious; forcible; violent;
2. Vehement in feeling; hasty; passionate; violent;

Noah Webster. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

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He adds, that the Length of a Canon ought not to exceed 13 foot, and that a greater length is not onely useless, but hinders also the effect of the Gun, not because the Bullet is thrown out of the Gun, before all the powder is fired (as some believe;) but because the Bullet is then beaten back into the Gun by the Air, re-entring into it with impetuosity, when the flame is extinct.

The Royal Society. Philosophical Transactions: Giving Some Accompt of the Present Undertakings, Studies,and Labours of the Ingenious in Many Considerable Parts of the World, volume I (1666)
"Never!" she cried impetuously. And coming closer to him: "What ill could come to me?

Gustave Flaubert. Madame Bovary
"a good fellow, with impetuosity and hesitation, boldness and diffidence, action and dreaming, curiously mixed in him."

Charles Dickens. Great Expectations (1861)
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