Hamlet vocabulary

40 archaic vocabulary words

40 [archaic] words
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1. [archaic] pleasure
2. [archaic] to listen (to)

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He woulde suffer nothing of my list.
By God, he smote me ones with his fist,
For that I rent out of his book a leaf,
That of the stroke mine eare wax'd all deaf.

Geoffrey Chaucer. The Canterbury Tales: The Wife of Bath's Prologue (1400)
Let my father use what speeches he list, I will follow mine own lust.

John Lyly. Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit (1578)
FACE. List, sir.

Ben Jonson. The Alchemist (1610)
If with too credent ear you list his songs

William Shakespeare. Hamlet
He speaks the words to Burbage, the young player who stands before him beyond the rack of cerecloth, calling him by a name:
  Hamlet, I am thy father's spirit,
  bidding him list.

James Joyce. Ulysses
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